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Solutions: Earth Forces > Integral Bridge Abutments

Integral Bridge Abutments experience damaging stresses due to the cyclic expansion and contraction of the bridge deck, caused by daily and seasonal temperature variations, pushing the abutments into and out of the bridge embankment.

This behavior is currently the subject of much research in this country and England, since most new bridges are of the integral abutment design and no satisfactory solutions to this problem have been found.

Until Now...

GeoTech's TerraFlex is designed specifically for this type of application. When installed behind an integral bridge abutment, it provides a compressible layer which can accommodate the abutment motion eliminating this problem.

For information on the use of TerraFlex™ for this purpose, refer to our on-line documentation or call our licensee, Cellofoam North America, Inc. Virginia Tech has tested TerraFlex™ in their instrumented retaining wall and verified its engineering advantages. A paper presented by Professor G. M. Filz is available here. (236K pdf)


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For more information and pricing contact our licensee:
Cellofoam North America, Inc.
Winchester Geofoam Sales

Last Modified: November 15, 2003