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Miscellaneous Documents

Research Reports:

Integral Abutment Bridges, Problems and Innovative Solutions using EPS Geofoam and Other Geosynthetics, Manhattan College Research Report NO. CE/GE-00-02, written by Dr. John S. Horvath

Earth Force Reduction by a Synthetic Compressble Inclusion, a report of research conducted under the sponsorship of GeoTech Systems Corporation and the Virginia Center for Innovative Technology, by J.N. Reeves and Professor G. M. Filz of Virginia Tech, January 2000

Geoboard Reduces Lateral Earth Pressure, by A.M. PARTOS, and P.M. KAZANIWSKY of Site Engineering, from the proceedings of the 1987 Geosynthetics Conference. This transcription describes the very first use of a compressible inclusion to mitigate lateral earth forces by enabling the soil to reach a "quasi-active" state.



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Last Modified: August 31, 2003